ep cares

In 2016, we established the Three 3s, an initiative to give back to our communities by donating profit, project experience and time. We endeavor to leverage our growth as a small business to benefit community and environment, but we also want to empower our employees to be part of deeply meaningful experiences that inspire them, outside of work.

EP Gives Back in 3s

Our THREE 3’s philanthropic pledge can be described as follows: 3% of PROFIT is donated to charity; 3% of PTO TIME is dedicated to volunteering efforts; and 3% of PROJECTS must be pro-bono work for institutions promoting community and sustainability.

Take a look at how we focused our charity work in 2024:

3% Profit

3% PTO Time

3% Projects

3% of Profit

EP Engineering was delighted to support and recognize these organizations throughout 2024:
Coral Restoration | Covenant House | National Marine Mammals | This is About Humanity | Sane Energy | Ocean Conservancy | Earth Justice | The Michael J. Fox Foundation | Project Renewal | Project Chimps | Circle Camps | City Harvest | Gentle Giants | Project Sunshine | American Heart Association | Farm Sanctuary | Sierra Club | The Nature Conservancy | Humane Society | Sane Energy | Friends of Governor’s Island | Virunga Fund | Westhab Organization | Kiva | Beagle Freedom Project | Samaritan Daytop Foundation | Wounded Warrior Project | Volunteers of America | Rotary Club of Harlem Foundation | The Harmony Program

Each year we also allow all employees to pick an organization of their choose which the company makes a donation to. This years 2024 employee picks included:

In addition to the 30+ charity partners that EP Engineering supported in the last year, we also took note of what was going on nationally. Donations were made towards several relief efforts for the earthquake in Taiwan.
This included a donation to:
Peace Wind’s America


Operation Backpack
EP Engineering joins Volunteers of America, Operation Backpack to ensure that
every student living in New York City enduring domestic violence or living in a
homeless shelter has a new backpack and grade-specific school supplies before
their first day of school. EP is committed to investing in the future and is
proud to be one of the corporate and community partners that Volunteers of
America relies on to provide sponsorship and volunteer support to provide New
York City youth with the tools they need to thrive in school.


EP joined the annual design competition for the 4th year in a row. Each year
teams of engineers, architects and contractors build sculptures made completely
out of canned food which then get donated for the upcoming holiday season. EP
donated a total of 1,350 cans.


Toys for Tots
We ran an internal toy drive for the holiday season. Encouraging each employee
to bring in one new toy. EP matches the total toys which employees collected.
Our hopes were that each gift will help bring joy to the less fortunate children,
so they are not deprived of the magic of the holiday season.



3% of Time

Covenant House
Covenant House provides an array of services and support to all young individuals who enter their doors including health and mental health services, education and employment services, shelter, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing. EP spent one afternoon packing a total of 60 toiletry kits which were sent to 2 of Covenants houses facilities. The kit included essential needs such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs/brushes, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, and soap. All items were packed into a new duffle bag for each individual to review along with a note of encouragement from our team.

Friends of Governor’s Island
We joined forces for our latest volunteering event, helping double our efforts. EP Engineering and Highmark spent the morning at Governor’s Island for some much-needed spring cleaning. With 172 acres to care for and a small gardening team, volunteers are crucial to providing critical care to the Island. The group made a huge impact toward meeting the rigorous demands of stewarding the Island’s new and historic landscapes.

Fleece & Thank You
Fleece & Thank You provides colorful, cozy fleece blankets to children undergoing hospital treatments, each accompanied by a personalized video message from the blanket’s maker. This unique touch allows the child to send a “thank-you” message back, creating a meaningful exchange. At EP, we were committed to making 65 blankets, each with fun patterns, vibrant colors, and, most importantly, warmth. Once completed, the blankets were sent to a sanitizing facility for proper cleaning before being delivered to children at Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone.


3% of Fee

We continued work with current and started with new pro bono clients this past year, which include:

  • Wild Bird Fund
  • The Center
  • Children’s Rescue Fund
  • Fountain House

As our company continues to grow, so too will our goals. We hope to give back even more in the coming years with new partnerships and opportunities.

$25K in Donations

150 Volunteer Hours

10 Pro Bono Projects