Local Law 55 of 2024 for Electric Vehicle Charging (LL55/24)

The city enacted a new Local Law in April of 2024, which affects new and existing parking garages, open parking lots, and buildings containing these facilities. LL55/24 adds requirements for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), commonly referred to as EV charging stations. The requirements are retroactive, and must be completed January 1, 2035, for existing facilities.

Which parking facilities need to comply?

  • New parking garages or open parking lots with 10 or more parking spaces
  • Existing parking garages or open parking lots with 10 or more parking spaces

What are the requirements and deadlines for compliance?

  • For existing facilities, by January 1, 2035:
    • At least 20% of parking spaces shall be equipped with Level 2 charging stations.
    • At least 40% of parking spaces shall be capable of supporting Level 2 charging stations.
  • For new facilities, or existing facilities undergoing significant alterations:
    • At least 20% of parking spaces shall be equipped with Level 2 charging stations.
    • At least 60% of parking spaces shall be capable of supporting Level 2 charging stations.
    • The electrical raceway to the electrical supply panel serving the garage shall be capable of providing a minimum of 3.1 kW of electrical capacity to the spaces prescribed above.
    • The electrical room serving the garage shall have the physical space to provide a minimum of 3.1 kW of electrical capacity to the spaces prescribed above.

Can I install a different type of charger, or does it need to be Level 2?

Yes. Owners are permitted to install Direct Current fast-charging stations, which are considered to be equivalent to ten (10) Level 2 charging stations. However, this substitution must not be used to satisfy more than 50% of the Level 2 charging stations required.

How is compliance demonstrated?

Owners must submit a report of compliance within 60 days after the final inspection for the EVSE installation.

Are there any exceptions?

Yes, the commissioner may grant an adjustment or waiver under the following circumstances:

For existing facilities:

  1. The project costs exceed the costs for EVSE installation, and the owner is complying with the requirements of the section to the maximum extent practicable.
  2. For garages and lots that utilize vertical parking equipment, such that the use of EVSE would be infeasible.
  3. The owner demonstrates that compliance would compromise the structural integrity of the parking structure.
  4. The owner demonstrates that compliance is not feasible for other reasons, at the department’s discretion.

For new facilities or significantly altered existing facilities:

  1. For parking garages within buildings of occupancy group M (mercantile).
  2. For temporary parking facilities that will be in service no longer than three years.
  3. Within buildings in which at least 50% of the residential units are for households earning up to 60% of the area median income.
  4. Within buildings in which 100% of the residential units are required to be affordable.
  5. For city owned or leased properties.
  6. If the commissioning finds that compliance would present undue hardship.

EP Engineering can help you assess whether your facility complies and, if not, we can design electrical upgrades to get your building into compliance. Reach out to us today for assistance!