The Perfect Pint is a 3 story bar and restaurant located in Midtown Manhattan. The building is being completely rehabilitated, including upgrading of all utility services.
The Perfect Pint is a 3 story bar and restaurant located in Midtown Manhattan. The building is being completely rehabilitated, including upgrading of all utility services.
With a tight budget for the mechanical systems, the design had to minimize mechanical equipment while still maintaining individual temperature control on each floor. To achieve this, constant-volume roof top units were designed with bypass relief VAV boxes on each floor.
The design achieved cost requirements, actually coming in under budget thanks to a 30% cost savings from a traditional VAV system and the use of fewer materials. We were able to completely eliminate 14 pieces of HVAC equipment plus the entire copper refrigerant piping and electrical and gas connections required for split systems. This was accomplished by using two packaged roof top units to cool the building’s eight zones instead of a typical split system design.