Local Law 158 of 2016
The NYC Department of Buildings released Local Law 158 of 2016 in an effort to encourage the repair and resolution of any gas piping work completed without a permit. The Local Law, dubbed the “Gas Piping Work Civil Penalty Amnesty Program” was put into effect on April 5th, 2017. Under this program, any associated DOB civil penalties for legalization of fuel gas piping systems or a violation for work performed without a permit (associated with fuel gas piping systems) will be waived if:
- The work was performed or the violations were issued prior to April 5, 2017 and civil penalties have not been paid.
- Applicants obtain a permit to resolve the improper work between April 5, 2017 and October 5, 2017.
- Applicants have the job signed off by the Department one year from the day the permit is issued.
Gas Piping Work Civil Penalty Amnesty jobs can only be submitted as a Limited Alteration Application (LAA) filing and is limited to gas work only. Gas work jobs that are non-LAA eligible or jobs that are not related to gas work must be filed separately and are not eligible for the program.
To take advantage of the Gas Piping Work Civil Penalty Amnesty Program, Section 9 (Proposed Work Summary) of the LAA1 form shall be filled out as follows:
- Gas Piping Work Amnesty Program
- Type of filing, as applicable: Legalization and/or ECB Violation(s), and list the associated Violation number(s).
- Gas Piping Work Amnesty Description